An airsoft game can be quite intense, with the members of your team spread out all over the field. If you need to communicate, you can’t just yell out instructions or the enemy will know your position and the maneuvers you’re planning. This tactic microphone lets you talk to your team during the entire game while keeping your hands on your airsoft gun where they belong. The design of the tactical microphone is much more convenient and it reduces noise reduction. Its low price makes it a great option for those who can’t afford the high-end throat mics. This device uses Kenwood two-pin plugs, which are compatible with the ComTac II Noise Reduction Headset. Compact and lightweight, it provides dependable communication protection that’s perfect for the range, field, and anywhere in-between.
Why You Have It:
- Environmental microphones improve situational awareness.
- Improves the performance in the field.
- Simple yet qualitative.